Ceramic Coatings

Premium level of work, without the shop price.

Ceramic Coatings
(Lifetime or 3-5 Year Protection)

Lifetime Coatings by (System X) <<< ----- Click for Details

- Exterior Hand Wash & Foam Cannon ( x 2 )
- Iron Remover Treatment
- Clay Bar Treatment 
- Multi-Step Compound (85 - 90% Swirl Removal)
- 1 Step Polish (Paint Enhancement)
- Surface Prep
- Ceramic Coating Application on Body Panels & Trim
- Wheel/Tire Cleaning & Dressing
- Free First Wash (Inspection Wash)

Lifetime Coating Max G+ ( 30% Glossier)     1400+
Lifetime Coating Max                                        1350+

šŸ¦Š Registered Through Carfax & Comes W/ Warranty šŸ¦Š

*** In Order For Warranty To Be In Effect, a Yearly Wash/Decontamination & Refresher of  Ceramic Coating Must Be Performed by Us ***

---------- Approximate Time: 1.5 - 2 Days ----------

3 - 5 Year Graphene Ceramic Coating

- Exterior Hand Wash & Foam Cannon ( x 2 )
- Iron Remover Treatment
- Clay Bar Treatment
- Multi-Step Compound (85 - 90% Swirl Removal)
- 1 Step Polish (Paint Enhancement)
- Surface Prep,
- Ceramic Coating on Body Panels & Trim
- Wheel/Tire Cleaning & Dressing
- Free First Wash (Inspection Wash)


---------- Approximate Time: 1.5 - 2 Days ----------

Additional Add Ons:

All Glass & Mirrors                                            200
Wheel Faces (All 4)                                          200
Include Both Add Ons ā˜šŸ¼                              300                                                         

Note: The "+" refers to size of vehicle that is being worked on